by Robert Zeitlin | May 18, 2022 | Uncategorized
For Dads who feel like yoga and stretching don’t do anything… For Dads who need to sweat to feel fit… For Dads who fall back to a single fitness goal: to bench press twice their weight… I’m not a trainer but I do know what doesn’t work: starting and stopping,...
by Robert Zeitlin | May 12, 2022 | Uncategorized
The last couple of years have proven one thing. We have NO IDEA what’s coming next. Dads are trained to prepare for the worst. We were raised as boys to adopt a warrior mindset, ready to defend ourselves against bullies and all aggressors. As men, then as fathers, and...
by Robert Zeitlin | May 12, 2022 | Uncategorized
Finding the Funny is a skill that will extend your life and deepen your relationships. I was honored to be invited to tell a story about fatherhood for the Good Men Project live event in NYC in August 2015. On that stage, I shared my journey from a kid who believed...
by Robert Zeitlin | May 4, 2022 | Uncategorized
There isn’t enough time in the day. The Dads that I meet tell me, “I am constantly on the go and I still can’t seem to make enough money for our family. I simply need to find a way to earn more.” I coach Dads who were programmed to believe that their value to their...
by Robert Zeitlin | Dec 13, 2021 | Uncategorized
I went to work today. It was kind of automatic. I didn’t think about it. I set my alarm and packed my lunch. As a result of these moves, I went to work and helped some people. Going to work was a smart decision. Eating lunch, I checked a notification that popped up on...
by Robert Zeitlin | Dec 5, 2021 | Uncategorized
I’m not going to lie. It was HARD to go back into work after celebrating Thanksgiving quickly followed by Chanukah, which came early this year! After a weekend full of cooking and eating and cleaning up and laughter, I had a hard time getting out the door for my...
by Robert Zeitlin | Nov 7, 2021 | Uncategorized
In 2019, I offered parents three moves they could use in the face of escalating levels of anxiety in their kids: embrace curiosity to have the courageous conversation acknowledge the impact of parental stress leverage the connections in your family to increase your...
by Robert Zeitlin | Nov 7, 2021 | Uncategorized
Why was I laughing and smiling last night while I was cleaning dog poo out of the crevices of the sole of my hiking boot? Three times in the last week, I have stepped in dog poo (and one time in old chewing gum). This never happens. Just to be clear: I’m not lucky....
by Robert Zeitlin | Nov 7, 2021 | Uncategorized
Who is the first on the scene? That would be Worry. If you are a parent, you may already be a professional worrier and not even give a second thought to why you do it or how to stop. Wait, can I really stop Worrying? (Spoiler Alert: not really) Have you heard this...
by Robert Zeitlin | Nov 7, 2021 | Uncategorized
Where do you get your best ideas? sitting at your desk? in the shower? Your best ideas come in the shower, right? Why is that? When you don’t need to multitask, when you just need to do a simple, automatic task like washing your hair, your mind is finally free to do...