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A Video Series for Parents
I love co-creating new possibilities with engaged parents. I also love collaborating with amazing creative people. Working with parenting blogger, mom, and now author! Nicole Merritt was a double-treat.
Across a year of short videos, we explored 32 angles on parenting and partnering, from laughter to tears, to pushing our kids too hard. Click below for a catalog of our video podcast episodes.
Live from NYC
I was invited to share my story at The Good Men Project’s Storytelling Event “Finding My Voice” in front of a live audience in NYC. I shared the story of my father, who I once (firmly believed) was a real-life superhero.
In my first TEDx talk, I had the great pleasure to share my experience with a high school audience about emerging from the under a self-made blanket of doubt and imposter syndrome. What emerged? A future Positive Psychologist with a road map on how you can embrace your superpowers.
Speaking with Emily Fletcher
Sitting for an interview with my meditation teacher, Emily Fletcher, was such an honor and a highlight for me. Emily and I share a dedication to parents and raising the next generation of humans who can flex their superpowers.
When Emily asked me, “How do you keep moving toward the positive?” I told her that we need to give ourselves the space to feel both sides, to allow our negative feelings and our feelings of hope and optimism to both have a seat at the table.
Parenting WHILE working from home
In this powerful interview with Jill Odom, we dive into the ways that she and her leadership team at Upskill are using positivity (gratitude and other “superpowers”) to keep their employees healthy during the pandemic.
When Jill and her management team anticipated the challenges ahead, they communicated with their employees: “We saw this coming and we told people, ‘We know that there is going to be decreased productivity … we got you’ and we could immediately see the sighs of relief.” For herself, Jill said, “In the pandemic, I’ve learned to be kinder and gentler to myself.”.
Parenting Skills are Business Skills
Another great conversation with a business leader about parenting and work balance during this pandemic, especially as racial equity was rising in the larger society’s conversation.
While raising two daughters, pursuing her PhD, and supporting women-owned and minority-owned businesses, Corinne also contributed a chapter to the book Love Letters to My Girls, an anthology by Black women for Black women and girls. In her chapter, Corinne shares her belief that Black girls need to use their voice to be bold and advocate for themselves.
Superpower Coaching (an animated explainer)
I decided that I was NOT an artist back in preschool, when I saw my classmate paint a picture of her family. I could barely blob the paint on the paper. Designing this animation decades later, I realized that I DO have a visual creative engine! I just didn’t have the right “brush.”
Working with a skilled team including animator Matt Jenkins, sound designer Aaron Barnes and creative consultants Kristin Kane Ford and Devin Wachs, I created this vision for an early iteration of my Positive Psychology Coaching.
What parents need RIGHT NOW
… is for someone to sort through all of the information out there AND just deliver the nuggets that they need to educate their kids.That’s why and how I wrote “But I’m Not a Teacher! A Parent’s Guide to Learning Under Lockdown.” I sorted through it all so you don’t have to!
Shout-out to Stu McLaren, an expert in membership sites, for making this urgent case so beautifully.
The Power of No
Check out this short vignette about taking care of others before ourselves. How can you clear space for the PEOPLE and THINGS that fire you up? Start with learning the most powerful two-letter word in our language.