How to Be a Better Partner

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“Just tell me what to do!”

Parents don’t have time to read a thick textbook on raising kids. We are messing up and learning on the job. My coaching with dads stands on the platform of the parenting wisdom, “The best dads work on their PARTNERSHIP every day.”

Delivering nine ideas you can implement today, How to Be a Better Partner gives you the tools to start parenting with confidence.

If you have 20 minutes to figure out how to be a better dad, you won’t find a more useful tool than this book.


Absolutely stunning!

It’s a quick read, digestible, and perfect for the busy parent who wants to be a better partner and create a solid foundation for their family.

Can everyone read this primer? Having benefited personally from your insight, wisdom, and counsel, I can attest to the impact of your advice.

  • Margo A.

No better job than being a dad, and no better way to be great at it than learning and re-learning how to be a better spouse. So hard and so good!

  • David B

Sharing my “magic beans” is an idea that I’ve really taken to heart by trying to take the “small, doable tasks” like taking out the trash and doing dishes off my wife’s plate. I want to try and be as much of a partner with her as possible which helps alleviate stress in her life. This has definitely helped our relationship and my wife feeling like we’re a team. It shows her that I care to help and that I’m curious.

  • Anthony D

Get your copy now!

How to Be a Better Partner is organized so you can take what you need and leave the rest:

  • Need a quick fix? Read the Grab & Go section in less than five minutes.
  • Want to invest a little more energy? In The Meal Kit, learn to invest in your daily skills to stabilize and strengthen your partnership.
  • Ready to dive in? Make a big splash in Cooking with Confidence in how you show up for your family.

How do I get my partner to read this? Are you wondering how to ask?