The Kick-Ass Blog

The power of an apology in repairing relationships

The power of an apology in repairing relationships

I'm sorry. The most powerful two-word phrase in the English language …and every language: I'm sorry. Why is it so powerful to hear “I'm sorry”? Because “I'm sorry” can repair the hurt that I caused you. A true apology can rebuild and strengthen our relationship. Why...

Are you a failure? or is this growth?

Are you a failure? or is this growth?

I hate running late. I am already stressed out when I get to the train station. When I reach the bottom of the stairs, I see the last train pulling away from the station. On reflex, I start running and break into a full sprint. My adrenaline pumps my heartbeat into my...

You may be stronger than you realize in managing change

You may be stronger than you realize in managing change

My esteemed professor Maurice Prout taught me to ask three questions when I found myself hesitant to take action: What's the real risk? What's the real chance of that risk happening? If it did happen, could you take the hit? Until I tease apart these external and...

No More Mr. Nice Dad

No More Mr. Nice Dad

I am nice. I wasn't raised with great boundaries, so I lean toward niceness out of an instinct for survival. I find it easier to put my needs last and take care of someone else's needs first. When I was young, I was confused by my family, particularly my father. So I...