Transformative Workshops

What can you do when parenting feels like:

“I always said that I wanted to spend more time with my kids. I guess I should be careful what I wish for.”

– Comedian Jim Gaffigan

The new rules in 2021: Stay at home. Don’t go out. Keep six feet away. How long can this last?!

Your kids need you. The school needs you. Your partner needs you. Your bank account needs you.

And you? Well, your needs have been written off in this new reality.

How does any family come through this time with everyone’s wellbeing intact?

Is family life stressing you and your relationship?

Does every day get sidetracked with questions like:

  • How can I work from home while EVERYONE IS HOME!?
  • I miss school/daycare so much I could just cry. (And I have. Many times.)
  • My partner and I are in pure survival mode — and just might kill each other.
  • The self-care routine I had so carefully constructed has flown out the window.
  • My kids are really acting out and I have no idea what to do about it.
  • I feel like a terrible parent for snapping at my kids all the time.

I know parents are on the “struggle bus.” And I know it seems impossible when:

  • You can’t find time for yourself.
  • Your relationship is straining under the stress.
  • You can’t get anything done.

I can help you get some balance back.

In my workshops, I share tactics you can use to:

  • get back to self-care.
  • get on the same page with your partner.
  • regain your footing.

The transformation you will see is described in my 2020 books, “But I’m Not a Teacher! A Parent’s Guide to Learning Under Lockdown” and “Laugh More, Yell Less: A Guide to Raising Kick-Ass Kids, Stuck-at-Home Edition.”

Since I know you don’t have the time or bandwidth to read a book right now, let’s book a transformative workshop!

Why I can help you regain your balance:

For over 30 years, before she was pregnant with our first child, I have worked with my wife to maintain a positive family culture. We manage imbalances in our workloads, share childcare responsibilities, and negotiate how to each get our needs met.

For the last 20 years, I have been helping moms and dads to become the parents their kids deserve. I am a licensed professional, a Positive Psychologist, and the happily-married (for 30 years) father of two kick-ass (now grown) kids.

Right now, parents want to know how to retain some sense of normalcy for their kids.

In addition to my private practice, I also have worked in schools for 19 years, consulting with teachers and parents on children’s behavior and learning. I work directly with parents in my practice on their partnerships and parenting style and have run workshops and dozens of programs on various parenting topics.

I know the struggle is real! My workshop will deliver tips you can use to immediately increase the positive family interactions you have every day.

Book a workshop today!

I offer 75-minute workshops to any group of 10 or more parents. It’s perfect for your team, employees you manage, business resource groups, or any other group of moms, dads, or parents who might be struggling with the challenge of parenting today.

P.S. If you need more individual help, I coach parents to meet the goals that they want to reach for their families. Click here to book a consultation now.

Are you ready to get started with a workshop for your group?

To schedule a workshop for your group, share your contact information below. I will be in touch within one business day to set up a time.

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