I find a lot of cool stuff on my journey, seeking to upgrade my life. Each Monday at noon Eastern, I share my latest treasures with you for fun and to help fathers to become The Best Dad Ever.
Here are links to the resources I mentioned in this video:
First of all, let’s talk about mammoths and skanky ho’s. Here are the two powerful pieces that I have read over and over:
- Are You a Skanky Ho? by Dr. Lissa Rankin about her conversation with Martha Beck
- Why You Should Stop Caring What Other People Think by Tim Urban on waitbutwhy.com H/T Margo Aaron
Some other things that I think are cool:
- Pick My Brain, an innovation by Maxine Cunningham to spread the wealth in a connection economy
What I’m listening to:
- throwback albums by Elvis Costello & The Attractions like Imperial Bedroom, Get Happy!, and Armed Forces
- Pop star Mabel’s second studio album About Last Night…,
I’m open to checking out any music, book, or other media you want to share with me and possibly feature in future broadcasts.
There is a lot of talk on social media but not a lot of conversation. I am open to bucking the trend of talking and yelling.
Send me stuff. I’m listening!